28 January 2009

The Principal's Office

Thanks to this fabulously sequenced blog, I learned about a show called The Principal's Office which airs on TruTV Friday nights at 10PM. Shot in the style of the mock-umentary CHALK (a definite must-see for school staff of any sort), The Principal's Office captures those classically awkward real-time moments when a student is summoned for disciplinary action. The best thing about this show is that it features real principals and real students from real schools. I have a feeling I don't get this channel, so I'll contently watch clips from my computer.

There's just nothing like enforcing the dress code AND a kid who openly acknowledges his ODD (just warms my heart - chains and all!) ...

And if you haven't seen CHALK - check out the trailer (those are real statistics, people) ...


E said...

I haven't seen Chalk yet! Can you believe? xo

Anonymous said...

That is the best. I'm going to be going on line to watch it all the time now. I think I was born with ODD too! So glad Austin could illuminate for me.